The French capital is getting ready to host the next Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference scheduled for July 18th. Top crypto experts from influential worldwide companies will gather in Paris, where the large-scale event including cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and ICOs will occur. Apart from conference and demozone, leading specialists will showcase innovative solutions and progress of blockchain-based startups and platforms.
According to Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of Economy and Finance, the country is on a good course to become the main leader in European growing fintech industry. Other government officials have confirmed the new strategy in March 2018, when French market regulator AMF announced a law regarding ICOs, acknowledging them as legal means of investing. The Council of State even suggested the reduction of cryptocurrency operation taxes from a substantial 45% to an almost symbolic 19%.
Furthermore, the largest banks of France such as BNP Paribas, Societe Generale and RCI Bank already introduced blockchain transactions. The government is interested in startups that are based on decentralized technology, as such projects lead to a quicker development of the cryptocurrency market. After recent changes, the crypto community welcomes various blockchain entrepreneurs with open arms.
The previous Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference focused on banking systems, media, healthcare and decentralized economy. Paris will accommodate major experts from the industry, including Stefano Tempesta, regional director of Microsoft, Miroslaw Janik, PDG and co-founder at Hidone, Laurent Leloup, co-founder at Chaineum, Marc Durand from IBM France and others. After introductory speeches and networking, the presenters will discuss cybersecurity, blockchain integration into business operations, implementation of current trends, solutions, as well as innovative perspectives.
In the Demozone, participants will have an opportunity to learn about the companies from the blockchain industry and their latest developments. If you want to learn more or buy a ticket, please visit the official site.
“French Capital will host Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference France – Large Blockchain event with top experts.”,calvinayre.com, June 1, 2018.
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